- Introduction
- The Collection
- What is an 8 bit Computer?
- Why the Excitement?
- Computer Programming
- The Computers
- Emulators
Others from the United States
In these days, the output from the US was quite unlike that from the UK. They had started with micro computers much earlier but they did not take off in the home market anything like as much. There was a huge gaming market but far less home programmers (though they tended to be very competent, technical and with far larger budgets!).
Most US computers of this era will have been proper business computers, these would have been based on a Z80 processor, one or two floppy drives (initially 8 inch then 5 1/4 inch) and running CP/M as an operating system (in many ways, the precursor to MS-DOS). These were sold in huge numbers by a large number of companies.
As this web site is aimed at the home market, however, I shall be ignoring these.
©Copyright Greg Taylor 2011. Not to be copied to any other document or web page without permission.